If you're in BYU Writing 150H sections 122, 126, or 129 you're in the right place.

My name is Dr. SWILUA. (Pronounced "Swill-oo-ah") That's short for "She Who Is Like Unto Aphrodite." It's my official title, thanks.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

GW Hunting Part two! (If you don't see this until you get to class and I'm not there, have no fear: Your first step of today's GW Hunt is to get a copy of the GW list from the Honors advisement Center downstairs!)

I hope Friday's MOA hunt was informative for you. But did you know that there are *more* great works categories than just Art? And that you have to write your GW papers on two different genres of Great Works? Yeah. You probably knew that.

Here's the thing. To write a paper about a great work, you have to, like, *be exposed* to great works. But there are a lot of those. How do you pick?

So here's what I want you to do with our class time this beautiful Halloween Monday (if you are wearing a costume while you do this, I will totally give you extra credit):

1) Obtain a copy of the Great Works list. You can get this from the student advisement center in the basement of the MSRB, or you can download it from online.

2) Next you need to *go* somewhere. Use the GW list to guide you. For example:

If you find that you're drawn to the theater/musical options of the list, go over to the HFAC, find out when stuff is playing; choose something you want to watch; maybe even buy your tickets. (You don't have to see anything *right then,* (unless you want to) but you want to be ready.)

If you want to do something sciency, walk yourself over to one of the science buildings. See if they have any special events planned. Talk to department offices or wander the halls looking for flyers. Find a professor and ask them if you can come observe a class. Make arrangements.

If you're interested in film, ask the Honors advisement center which films from the international cinema count this year. Then find a schedule and choose a time you'll go to a movie.

On the other hand, if you are a lover of literature, you could go to the library and find the book you need to read. Find books *about* the book you need to read. Check them out and start reading.

There are other options, right? I can't remember right now because I'm spacey like that. Consult the list and figure out an appropriate place to go.

3) I need to know that you actually *did* this assignment and didn't just use the hour to do your math homework, so I'm going to need proof. Take a picture of yourself wherever you end up and send it to me along with a half a paragraph about what you did.

You can do this alone or in groups or in pairs or even with your girlfriend or a random stranger. Have fun!


  1. Fun:) The advisement center has a list of all the accepted events for this semester and next semester. It's super handy-dandy and split into categories and sub-categories, etc. They also have a list of acceptable movies playing in the international cinema plus time/date. For anyone who reads this, if you're looking into the honors program... the advisement center is your best friend!

  2. Awesome! In the Great Works Program packet, it says "You need not experience the music below.the music you do choose to experience should be of similar quality." Does that mean we don't have to go get a concert or piece we listen to approved at the Advisement Center?

  3. meh, to be safe I'd always double check anything not on the list with the Advisement Center. just run after class or something. they always look alone and bored and would probably like your attention anyway.

  4. eh...I DID get all the way to class without realizing we had this on today! And I picked up my packet last week, so I guess I'm just a sucker. Oops. Anyway, I'm going to Washington D.C. for Thanksgiving, so I'm thinking I'll use the Lincoln Monument for Architechture, and last week I also bought a copy of Candide for Literature.

  5. I think it'll be interesting trying to critically analyze a science lecture, but I'm looking forward to the experience!

  6. Does our time spent searching today count for forty-five minutes of work for this class? =D

  7. It's time to put that BYU Arts card to use...

  8. Hey all, the Concert Choir and BYU Singers have a concert on November 11th and 12th. It should be a treat, and it counts as a GW (I checked with the Honors Advisment) so you should come watch us!

  9. Oh boy, this is a much needed assignment. Thank you for forcing me to start on my GW paper...

  10. Great Works are pretty great!


  12. Ah the MOA... I spend many an hour there. Huzzah!

  13. consider it done. I enjoyed it enough that I've been to the MOA many times since

  14. This was a fun one! I love my group so it was a fun activity! It was really hard to find art that went along with the terms, but we did it!

  15. I loved being able to see the MOA in an interactive and fun way!

  16. I dressed up, but not cool enough to win:(

  17. Yay for Great Works!!!

  18. Yay for class not in class!

  19. I love Great Works!

  20. It was so embarrassing to go to the library and check out books in a costume!
