If you're in BYU Writing 150H sections 122, 126, or 129 you're in the right place.

My name is Dr. SWILUA. (Pronounced "Swill-oo-ah") That's short for "She Who Is Like Unto Aphrodite." It's my official title, thanks.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Great Works Adventure! i.e. What You'll Be Doing Tomorrow Instead of a Formal Class

GW Hunting Part two! (If you don't see this until you get to class and I'm not there, have no fear: Your first challenge in the GW Adventure is to get a copy of the GW list from the Honors advisement Center downstairs!)

I hope the MOA hunt was informative for you. But did you know that there are *more* great works categories than just Art? And that you have to write your GW papers on two different genres of Great Works? Yeah. You probably knew that.

Here's the thing. To write a paper about a great work, you not only have to know "tools" pertaining to the great work, you have to, like, *be exposed* to the great work. But there are a lot of great works. How do you pick?

So here's what I want you to do with our class time tomorrow (if you wear a costume while you do this, I will totally give you extra credit):

1) Obtain a copy of the Great Works list. You can get this from the student advisement center in the basement of the MSRB, or you can download it from online. Also, get a copy of the GW log, because that's where you keep track of all the GW stuff you're going to end up doing if you take Honors classes. Also, you have to have it for the Honors Portfolio assignment. (It can be prettymuch empty, it just needs to be there. But enough about that because it's a totally separate assignment!)

2) After you have the GW list, you need to *go* somewhere. Use the GW list to guide you. For example:

If you find that you're drawn to the theater/musical options of the list, go over to the HFAC, find out when stuff is playing; choose something you want to watch; maybe even buy your tickets. (You don't have to see anything *right then,* (unless you want to) but you want to be ready.)

If you want to do something sciency, walk yourself over to one of the science buildings. See if they have any special events planned. Talk to department offices or wander the halls looking for flyers. Find a professor and ask them if you can come observe a class. Make sure it will qualify as an item on the list, and then make arrangements.

If you're interested in film, ask the Honors advisement center which films from the international cinema count this year. Then find a schedule and choose a time you'll go to a movie. Or, you could just pick a film off the list and ask the library if they have a copy you can check out. Later, you can watch it with your peer review group and eat popcorn. Maybe even cuddle a little. And then never speak of it again.

On the other hand, if you are a lover of literature, you could go to the library and find the book you need to read. Also, find books *about* the book you need to read. Check them out and start reading.

There are other options, right? I can't remember right now because I'm spacey like that. Consult the list and figure out an appropriate place to go.

3) I need to know that you actually *did* this assignment and didn't just use the hour to do your math homework, so I'm going to need proof. Take a picture of yourself wherever you end up and send it to me along with half a paragraph about what you did. If you're wearing a costume, explain it to me in your email, too. (I don't always notice things I should. Like people dressed in bunny suits. Absent-minded professor thing.)

You can do this alone or in groups or in pairs or even with your girlfriend or a random stranger.

In fact, if you are wearing a costume AND you can convince a random stranger to do the WHOLE GW adventure with you, I'll give you five times the amount of extra credit I'd give you just for your costume. But they have to be *strangers.* Your roommate can't introduce you, they can't be friends of friends. They need to be random people you have never met in your entire life and you have to go up to them in the hall while you're wearing your costume and convince them to come with you. And you have to take a picture, of course. And also, tell us about it on Monday.

Have fun!


  1. I am now more determined than ever to wear a costume and convince a random stranger to come with me.

  2. i cannot wait to see the costumes around campus

  3. Dude. I am totally wearing a costume. So if you see a random fairy princess walking around campus, don't be surprised. XD

  4. Yeah, I think I'll skip the costume bit :)

  5. Sounds great! But I doubt I'll be getting any extra credit for this assignment.

  6. Wearing a costume for extra credit on this assignment might be fun!!! I'm excited!

  7. I think i'll pass on the costume...

  8. I made so many "friends" today in my mouse suit...

  9. well, that was exciting.

  10. My comment is really late, but I got it.

  11. Thought I commented on this before, I guess I thought wrong.

  12. ha that was fun. good times.

  13. Comment for credit
