If you're in BYU Writing 150H sections 122, 126, or 129 you're in the right place.

My name is Dr. SWILUA. (Pronounced "Swill-oo-ah") That's short for "She Who Is Like Unto Aphrodite." It's my official title, thanks.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

You'll be sad next week when we're back in our regular classrooms

But for Friday's class, let's do one more non-classroom activity. 


Instead of coming to class,

1) find somewhere cozy
2) and maybe bring a snack
3) flip through Readings for Intensive Writers
4) read the first paragraph of five articles
5) based on that, choose the article that is most interesting to you and read it in its entirety.
6) leave a comment on this post about why you chose that article to read and what you thought of it.
7) if fifty minutes haven't passed, repeat steps 1-6.
8) if fifty minutes still haven't passed, go do something else until it has. something fun. maybe eat another snack.

you'll get homework points for the activity. and BTW, I haven't gotten a ton of the "proofs" you needed for Monday and Wednesday's classes. I'll overlook it until Monday, so if you want the homework points from those (and there might be a lot of homework points because I totally forgot about the original RFIW assignment from the syllabus!) then do the activities and send me the proofs ASAP. (You can also bring them on Monday if you want.)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another good day for hunting and not being stuck in a classroom!

I hope Monday's MOA hunt was informative for you. But did you know that there are *more* great works categories than just Art? Yeah. You probably knew that.

Here's the thing. To write a paper about a great work, you have to, like, *be exposed* to great works. But there are a lot of those. How do you pick? So here's what I want you to do with our class time this beautiful Wednesday:

1) Obtain a copy of the Great Works list. You can get this from the student advisement center in the basement of the MSRB, or you can download it from online.

2) Next you need to *go* somewhere. Use the GW list to guide you. For example:
  • If you find that you're drawn to the theater/musical options of the list, go over to the HFAC, find out when stuff is playing; choose something you want to watch; buy your tickets. (You don't have to see anything *right then,* but you want to be ready.)
  • If you want to do something sciency, walk yourself over to one of the science buildings. See if they have any special events planned. Talk to department offices or wander the halls looking for flyers. Find a professor and ask them if you can come observe a class. Make arrangements. 
  • On the other hand, if you are a lover of literature, you could go to the library and find the book you need to read.  Find books about the book you need to read.  Check them out and start reading.  
  • There are other options, right?  I can't remember right now because both of my children are yelling at me about how they don't want to go to bed.  Consult the list and figure out an appropriate place to go.  Ooo, the international cinema, right?  That might be a good place to visit.
3)  I need to know that you actually *did* this assignment and didn't just use the hour to do your math homework, so I'm going to need proof.  Take a picture of yourself wherever you end up and send it to me along with a half a paragraph about what you did.

You can do this alone or in groups.  Have fun! 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

MOA Scavenger Hunt Monday in leu of class!

Somewhere on Blackboard--I believe in the Great Works Aids folder?--there is a list of Art terms. See, sometimes for GW you have to analyze fields you aren't familiar with. And to do that you need to know terms from that field.

Your job for class today is to make your way throug the MOA and find an example for as many terms on the list as possible. And when you're done find as many OTHER terms and examples you can without going over the time limit of fifty minutes.

You can do this alone or in groups and you can meet any time of day you want. In fact my nine o'clockers will have to use another time than our class because I think the museum is closed until ten.

Email me with questions and keep checking the calendar to see what next class will be!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Middle of the Course Survey!

We're right in the middle of the semester, so it's time for a little eval.

1) What was your favorite thing we've done so far this semester?

2) What would you like to spend more time on?

You get homework points for answering those questions. Leave a comment to get it. If you want to stay anonymous that's fine. Just say your comment is from anonymous. Then later email me for the points.