If you're in BYU Writing 150H sections 122, 126, or 129 you're in the right place.

My name is Dr. SWILUA. (Pronounced "Swill-oo-ah") That's short for "She Who Is Like Unto Aphrodite." It's my official title, thanks.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Spencer B's Response to "What Christians Believe"

After just a few paragraphs into “What Christians Believe”  I was simply amazed with C. S. Lewis.  I’ve believed in God and in the Church for as long as I can remember, but until now I’d never thought of the reasoning behind what I believe. That’s what Lewis does in this article. He goes beyond the typical statements of faith and explains using simple logic as a basis for why Christianity must be true. I’m not saying that those statements of faith are useless or trivial. I know that they are very powerful and that simple faith is the aspect that is probably the most important behind what we believe rather than clever reasoning. However, the way C.S. Lewis presents Christianity in general makes so much sense and helps reinforce what I already know by backing it with logic. 
He makes some profound statements in the article that are outstanding. For example he talks about how being a Christian doesn’t mean that we believe that every other religion is absolutely wrong in every aspect in which they are different from Christianity, but rather that every religion may have some right and some wrong within their doctrine, and some are closer to the actual truth than others. He continues by examining certain basic points of Christian doctrine, such as the existence and nature of God, the Devil and his role, and some aspects of agency.
His concluding section talks specifically about Jesus Christ’s divine heritage, whether he’s the Son of God or not. He says that it is foolish to say things like “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.” He replies by saying “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense, about His being a great human teacher. “ Jesus is the Son of God and He did die to save each one of us.


  1. C.S. Lewis is a genius. I can admit it... I'm a nerd... I actually read this article a month ago because I love C.S. Lewis. Isn't he a genius? He's so close to being Mormon with everything he says it just sends shivers down my spine. LOVE IT! I actually took my textbook to my cabin with me over Labor Day weekend and showed my Mom, that's how much of a nerd I am.

  2. I really love reading about how people try and logically defend religion. I recently read Descartes' Discourse on Method and he too uses reason to establish the existence of a God. Not only does it "feel right" - being confirmed by the Spirit, but it makes sense as well, even to some of the greatest philosophers of all time.

  3. Religion is always aa touchy topic to discuss because there are so many different viewpoints and people are easliy offende. I thinik all religions have some truth to them, however also have many false beliefs. I agree that we don't look at other religions as being wrong, but I do know that we, as Mormons, are the only ones with the full truth. C.S Lewis is a very intelligent thinker and I like how he views religion not as something we do just on Sunday, but as an everyday practice and a way of life.

  4. This article was amazing. It takes the things we believe to be true and defends them. It takes a stance on other religions but rightfully so. He argues his point and then goes to show the other sides counter-argument. It is interesting to read and to see his idea of what Christianity is and how closely it relates to the church. He is definitely an inspired writer and I learned more about religion from his article than I have from any other Christian writer before. (Excluding General Authorities) I really enjoyed this article because throughout my life i've had to defend my different beliefs to a variety of people. Ranging from teachers and students to dermatologists and Orthodontists. It seems that outside of Utah, MOST everyone is interested about the church. Maybe not interested in joining but many have never met a member. They have heard rumors and lies and they want to know which part is true. And as a member and their friend/patient you are the only source they are willing to listen to. They don't run to the missionaries or church leaders for answers they want it from someone they know and trust. This article showed me some conversations I myself have had and many that I can now more comfortably have (and have more knowledge to back it up).

  5. I found the beginning of C.S. Lewis' article boring, but then I found a funny part. "If anybody really wants to know [Satan] better I would say to that person, "Don't worry. If you really want to, you will. Whether you'll like it when you do is another question." Just these couple sentences cracked me up! He is right on the dot! I found C.S. Lewis correct on many principles. By the end of the article, I appreciated the time he put into writing something about the touchy subject of religion.

  6. I definitely agree with C.S. Lewis, and it's amazing how close he comes to some of my beliefs even though he is not of my faith. the idea that different religions have some right in them--that they're all not entirely wrong--I believe is true. This article makes me want to read his book, for he has some very good insights. After reading this, I feel that I need to mull over issues more before I judge them.

  7. C.S. Lewis is such an amazing person and we all have so much to learn from him. I like the part about not condemning other religions because they are wrong, but recognizing that they are right. I also think it is interesting that Christ was either the Son of God, a madman, or worse. Isn't it true though? Many people have tried to claim to such things as Christ and we profile them as crazy-lunatics(and most do have a mental disorder.) It just makes me think about how I would have reacted to the Savior if I lived in those times. How would I see Him? Waht a great article!

  8. 2 Nephi 2:23 relates to the article pretty well.

  9. C. S. Lewis is brilliant and I am always impressed by what he has to say about religion. I typically find myself agreeing on his different outlooks and points and I most certainly love how he writes about the level of truths in other religions as well. He has a mind I don't quite always understand but I most usually respect.

  10. First off, I love the simple yet extraordinarily complex testimony of C.S. Lewis. As it is with most converts, he fought against the truth; but when he finally did accept God and Christ into his life, he turned from being one of atheism's greatest offenders (against Christianity) to one of Christianity's greatest defenders--comparable even to Paul's teachings. I just love it. To me, it is the most simple yet complex testimonies that have the most impact on the world abroad.

  11. I agree with you on what you said about how C.S Lewis's logic is not a basis for our faith, but rather a support. I'm not usually that interested in the logic and technical aspects of religion. I usually focus on the personal and more emotionally based aspects. But C.S Lewis's article was so fascinating and thought provoking for me, that it has caused me to reconsider my avoidance of such types of religious material. Now I want to read more of C.S Lewis's work.

  12. I like C.S Lewis's last statement about claiming Jesus was just a great moral teacher.

  13. I like C.S. Lewis for his logic. But I would not agree with his statement as Jesus as a just a great moral teacher and other similar comments. Jesus is the son of God and the savior.
