If you're in BYU Writing 150H sections 122, 126, or 129 you're in the right place.

My name is Dr. SWILUA. (Pronounced "Swill-oo-ah") That's short for "She Who Is Like Unto Aphrodite." It's my official title, thanks.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Problem with Hotmail (I never liked Hotmail anyway)

We've discovered a problem with Hotmail email addresses!

Apparently, hotmail has a protocol that rejects messages from any IP address that has been rejected a certain number of times. Because I've had the same IP for years and because there are students who drop/change their emails/write down the wrong email/etc., many emails get rejected, and I have reached my limit for rejection.

Thus: you won't get emails from me if you have a hotmail account.

There might be a way to rectify this, but I am not a computer science major and I would probably have to spend copious hours on the PHONE to fix the problem. Remember how I feel about the phone?

If you are a computer genius and you care so much that you would like to attempt to fix it, great.

Otherwise, here's what I'll do. (I do this anyway, but the RSS part might be new info to some of y'all.) Every time I send out a mass email, I post the same email on the course blog. You probably have no desire to check the blog every hour to make sure you're not missing anything, but there is a way around that. If you subscribe to the RSS feed--using something like Google reader, of which I believe there is a button somewhere on this page that allows you to enter the beautiful RSS world, i.e. "Join this blog!"--then I believe you can check a box that has all new blog posts emailed to you directly. If you can't have them emailed directly, I know that you can have them show up on your Google homepage right *next* to your email. (If you don't have an iGoogle account, you should get one cuz they rock. I mean, you can have your horoscope personally delivered from seven psychics a day!)

Even if you don't have hotmail, you may want to subscribe to the feed, i.e. "Join this Blog." I don't email you everything that gets posted, so if you're relying on email, it could let you down.

Sign your name in the comment section to be eligible to receive a point for reading this post.


  1. Dang, I have hotmail.

  2. I read this and I have gmail and never got the email about the article that professor wrote. I don't know what the issue with that is.

  3. I've read this. I have not received any emails except for the response to the RFIW Assignment. I have Gmail.

  4. Yeah, the same thing happened to me. I haven't been getting the e-mails either and I have gmail. But luckily I check the blog frequently enough that I can stay informed.

  5. Rats. Hotmail is the worst! ... also, I read this :)

  6. I forgot my hotmail address... it's been that long since I used it. Oh well, gmail is the way to go anyway

  7. I have Gmail and almost never get your emails either....
    Emma Bahr

  8. Emma Mortensen

  9. O.K.
    Torin Kelley

  10. Khrystalle Weathers

  11. I already commented, but I don't know if posting it from my google account (which shows my name) counts as signing my name in the comment box, so I'll do it now just in case.
    - Laura Nielsen

  12. Yeah!! Dave Harston

  13. That is very good to know. Thank you!

  14. Juliana Stewart

  15. good stuff! Jeff Langford
