If you're in BYU Writing 150H sections 122, 126, or 129 you're in the right place.

My name is Dr. SWILUA. (Pronounced "Swill-oo-ah") That's short for "She Who Is Like Unto Aphrodite." It's my official title, thanks.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome Fall 2011!

We'll be having all sorts of good times together this semester.

The syllabus is here and, yes, there will be a quiz.

Happy Semester! And welcome to Writing 150H!


  1. Hey Dr. Swilua, the syllabus website says it's down is there anyway to get it elsewhere?
    Francesca Bruno

  2. p.s. once I got hit in the back of the head by a baseball at a minor league game, and when I walked around people asked if I was that girl. That's my embarrassing story. I thought I would tell you since you like them, and I like to share!

  3. I absolutely love reading blogs actually, I love writing them too. I know this is about school but you seem to have a lot of fun when you talk about school. You aren't a mean and, as you said in class, you don't dress to intimidate. I like that. I don't think I should have to be afraid of my professors. Thank you for being a cool person. It is going to make my life so much easier.

  4. Hey Dr. Swilua!
    I really enjoyed class on Monday. I got and read the syllabus and will (hopefully) be prepared for whenever the quiz will be.
    Thank you!!
    Sophia Tateoka

  5. I have nothing to say that Sophia Tateoka hasn't said. In fact, she has written my thoughts quite well.

  6. I got the syllabus today. Thanks!

  7. I enjoyed reading your syllabus and found it rather amusing. It was certainly more attention-grabbing than the rest of the ones I received. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's class!

  8. I'm just posting a comment on here because your syllabus told me to. I'm a fan of the blogging world, and I look forward to checking this one out frequently this semester.

  9. When is the quiz? I'm reading the syllabus in case it's next class, but an actual date would be nice. Thank you!

  10. Good to know there will be a quiz. I really enjoyed the syllabus! Very funny...

  11. I think your syllabus is the only one that I have enjoyed reading!
    It was amazing.

  12. Read the syllabus!

  13. I'm feeling pretty lame after taking that syllabus quiz... but I finally read it. Better late than never right?

  14. I will add that not only was the syllabus ranked as one of the most interesting I have ever read, but I also appreciate your blog. I'm glad I have a second window into how your brain works. I'm excited for next class!

  15. I look forward to reading more of these posts!

  16. I finally figured out how to use google blogging. Internet social media isn't one of my strong points.

  17. The syllabus was most entertaining, and I actually enjoyed reading it. Thanks!

  18. I'm excited for this class! I know it will be a lot of work but as a fellow classmate said "I can do hard things!"

  19. Finally got to reading the syllabus. Found it quite entertaining. Looking forward to the rest of the semester.

  20. Why Aphrodite, just out of curiosity? Didn't she start the Trojan War which killed Hektor, who is awesome?

    Or is this a DIFFERENT Aphrodite?


    Jarom Harrison (who hopes that archness is not something else that SWILUA dislikes.)

  21. Just repeating what was already said, that the syllabus was simply splendid. It communicated well, which, as you said, is the purpose of writing. So woohoo! I just switched into this class, so I haven't even been to a class, but I look forward to it! Thank you for making writing entertaining :)

  22. I am looking forward to this class. I may have gotten a late start on all of the assignments but I am excited to learn how to write better papers and how to correctly us grammer. I can't wait to start hanging out with my study group and get to be friends with y'all

  23. Im enjoying your class as well. I found myself laughing as I imagined writing all the essays you have assigned for the semester. I think I will actually have a little bit of fun writing them! See you in class!

    Stefanie Morris (that Canadian student of yours) :)

  24. All of the syllubi (funny word!) are starting to mix in my brain. BUT. I did read it. Honestly, I mostly remeber that I get credit for writing in my journal, which is a nice bonus!

  25. Just checking in on the blog, and leaving my comment! Maybe I'll start a blog...

  26. Sorry you weren't feeling well today, SWILUA. That's no fun. Get better.

  27. I can't help but notice that there are not any blog posts other than this one that I have missed, so I'll just assume this is all I have to comment on.

    I'm so lost in this class; there are some 5 things to keep up with daily that I did not realize I needed to be doing.

  28. I just realized I never commented on this post and, well, I want the credit. By the way, your syllabus made me laugh out loud.


  30. Can't believe the semester is already over! Thanks for some of the good times! And I like this blog idea.

  31. The semester flew by...

    I remember thinking that your syllabus was the most entertaining that I have ever read. Since we had to read it, thanks for making it interesting.

  32. Oh the fickle days of Fall...

  33. I think I have my syllabus saved in my computer, just to laugh at later! Great class!
